Friday, February 1, 2008


I read today where a Senator was asking why the NFL destroyed the tapes of the Pats videoing the sidelines of the other team. I wondered that too but do not think it is any of the senates business just like I do not want my tax money wasted investigating sports drug use why isn't that up to the governing body of each sport. And what difference does some of that make it’s the player’s health that is at risk and unfair advantage but that should be regulated by the Baseball commission or the NFL not Congress. If they are buying it illegal there are already local laws that cover that, If they are not enforced the local electorate can take care of that, ever hear of New Sheriff in town. If you don’t like it vote for a better man.

I now have two squirrels in the back yard again for a long time I only saw one. Is it mating season for squirrels? I tried to look up on the internet when little squirrels were born but only found how to care for orphans and how to attract them and how to discourage them. But the point I was making is they are very playful chasing each other along the fence today. The birds are around the bird feeders lots of different types and sizes. We have several pairs of Cardinals; they are beautiful against the snow. The food in the feeders last a lot longer now that we have taken the 9 raccoons for a ride. Hope they are doing well in the park. Maybe I should take some food over to the park where we let them out.

I have been collecting recipes for all kinds of foods lately but never seem to get around to using them. I have purchased 6 books on cooking wheat/gluten free and have tried none of them. I just don’t eat things that contain wheat but that is getting boring so will soon start using some of those books and recipes. Have enjoyed all the wine purchased when I went to all the wineries of Central IN, and have used some or any leftover from a meal in cooking , used a spiced wine on a ham today that was good.

I am reading a very good book right now it is by Ken Follett title is The Pillars of the Earth. It takes place in the 11 hundreds about the building of the Cathedrals in England. It has a good story line and full of interesting bits of information about building and life at that time.
Next time I put a lot of books on hold I’ll have to pay more attention to how many as I have too many books to read right now and can’t renew them all so will have to put them on a list to get later and take them back. Hate to do that I want to read everything and thought I would have time to read while taking care of Nessa but she did not permit that she took my glasses off me and took the book away. She wanted to be held a lot and did not want anything to distract from her.

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