Wednesday, June 4, 2008


There’s a flood in my back yard. The critters that live there are none too happy about it.
The big Pleated Woodpecker. (That’s the one that looks like Woody) has been on the deck most of the day. He thinks we should be out there filling up his food stations and getting things done. The little chipmunks I have also noticed on top of the deck to get out of the water. Saw the Squirrels splashing through the water they looked like they were having fun.
I did go out and wade through the small stream going thought the yard to get to my garden was a little hesitant to do that as just days ago a little snake was killed by a flower pot falling over on him. Now did he have friends and do they like or dislike water? What other things are in that water. But I had to rescue my radishes they were all covered over with run off stuff from the back of the garden . Poor little radishes would never grow if I left them like that. My onions had also lost most of the dirt from around them and if you leave them uncovered they get real hot and I wanted sweet onions I think I was just complaining about having to water. Well this week made up for all the water we did not get last time. Be wary of what you ask for. I forget to take that little bit of advice.

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