Oh how I love a good cruise”
Alas we have returned from our cruise. I wandered if a seven day cruise would be too long… No Way! I think I need to try a 10 day next. I was just getting my sea legs when this one came sadly to an end. We flew to Fort Lauderdale on Fri night.. After a long delay at the airport we had a good flight I was not the one to get sick while in the air it was poor little Nessa this time I really think it is the person who sits beside Jennifer that has the trouble. Jennifer says we all have to stay away from McDonalds at the airport. We found out the long delay was because of the Space Shuttle launch thankfully we were in the new airport and it was not too bad. I would not recommend AirTram as a comfortable airline to fly but they had the non stop flight and no problems other than cramped seating. We stayed in Fort Lauderdale that night and left for the boat via limo the next morning... Don’t expect limo’s to have a lot of luggage space, they don’t. Other than no space for luggage the trip to Miami Port was great. We arrived at the dock and the Porters were right there to assist us with luggage and off to the processing center we went... Wearing yellow shirts saying I’m on Vacation, we met several of our friends we had made on the Cruise Critic. The process was very quick and smooth. We were on board very quickly. By 1:30 our suitcases were in the room and we were ready for Sail.
Life Boat drill was a little rocky for us. Otila could not stand that long and we had to get her help and she finished life boat drill sitting in the dining room.
We had a day at sea then arrived in San Juan at 4pm we were off the boat by 5 and met Steve Spears at the dock he showed us the high lights of Old San Juan and told us much of the history of the places we were seeing. Then took us to the most amazing place to eat... It was called the Parrott Club. It looked like a little bar but with out a doubt the best Steak I have ever eaten and everyone in our party enjoyed the food and drink they ordered. Too bad we had to be back to the ship so soon as I would have liked to explore Old San Juan.
The next day we landed in St Thomas where we took a tour bus and saw all the sights shopping and went swimming before heading back to the boat for dinner.
St Marten was our port for the next day. Another tour and beach time… This time a nude beach was right next to where we were sitting and the whole area was tops optional. This tour operator had rum punch on the bus so did not care if the other people had clothes on or not. Just glad I kept mine on.
The rest of the trip was on board Ship several glorious days at sea Water was a little rough one day and everyone ran into each other often but it was great. We ate every evening but one in the dinning room. Had a very bad waiter the first two nights so got that changed and had wonderful service the rest of the trip. They fixed me a special Gluten Free Meal each night, complete with desert. That was a treat as I don’t normally get to enjoy desert.
We all enjoyed the Spa on board, Otila had Acupuncture treatments and got relief from her back pain... I had a facial and massage and the others enjoyed various treatments. I spent time in the steam room and sauna, wish I had them here to enjoy daily. The Hot Tubs were popular places but we found the pools a little cool.
The only disappointment was Miami the hotel would not let us check in early not fun sitting in a lobby and secondly they would not let us use the pool or walk on their private beach. Then the weather was cold and windy. So Miami Beach will not be a highlight of this trip.
Early the next morning we took a limo to the Fort Lauderdale airport and returned to reality... Cold weather and no People… Nessa had People that looked after her and brought her room service and cleaned her room and left her candy on her pillow. Sure wish I had some of those people here.
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