My Christmas List.
Over the years I have made out a Christmas wish list that has been quite fun for everyone, since I am only a few years older than my nieces and nephews I at first exchanged list with them so we would know what to ask Santa for... Then I made out my list with my own children , My granddaughter will soon be old enough to exchange lists with but this year I have no one to send it to so will publish my list on line.
My list has changed over the years but always starts out with those few things I am still watching every Christmas morning to appear under my tree.
1. Neil Diamond (at one time it was Paul Newman but he passed away)
2. A Diamond Ring Pink please.
3. Mink Coat (that’s the reason those little animals are raised.)
4. Corvette red or pink please.
5. Jeep pink with leopard seat covers.
6. New set of cookware, The red set of Paula Dean's.
7. Very nice leather boots (black)
8. Yoga toes.
9. Black, brown, navy and red leather gloves.
10. Maid service for a month.
11. Rumba the remote vacuum sweeper
12. Sony Television HD please
13. 10 day cruise or maybe to Alaska.
14. DVD’s of old movies like “White Christmas” and other Bing Crosby movies, the set of Shirley Temple movies and other musicals.
15. Heated Throw.
And of course we could all use a cup of Christmas Cheer and World Peace.
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