Sunday, April 20, 2008


Mary Grace Mathews
Feb.3,1912-April 11,2008

I thought I would be able to write about Mother passing by now. But it is still very hard to believe she died a week ago and we buried her on Tuesday.
Her request was there be no services for her but we had a private graveside service for her or rather for us so we could say good bye surrounded by friends and family. At a time like that your friends and family are very important. It’s good to know you do not stand alone. There is someone to offer a special song and join you in a prayer. We had respected her wishes and had a closed casket that she had picked out years ago, and no services at the church or mortuary. But we gathered it the cemetery for one last farewell prayer. She has gone to join my father now their bodies are buried beside each other and their spirits have rejoined in heaven. We will and do greatly miss her.