Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Back Yard

The bunnies are at it again. So far my garden has produced one tomato. There was another almost ready but as dawn shown upon the garden this morning that was gone. It had teeth marks on it and lay half eaten upon the ground. The limb of the tomato plant is also broken as this little tomato was near the top. Must have been a short bunny.
I have a red clematis that the bunnies really love every time it gets about 3 inches tall they cut it off. It all summer has not made it to the first run of the trellis I envisioned it growing on. In fact I was afraid the pretty trellis would be covered up by the vine. I had the prettiest little petunias in one pot that were hanging down almost to the ground. No more it’s been trimmed. The thing about these little bunnies is there is a big bunny with them. It looks like she would have more control over her little ones. But no she just lets them run wild and eat anything they want.